At Enhance Training, we get it! Sometimes it can be hard to strike a balance between your study, work, family or commitments and every now and then life might throw you a curve ball. We want you to succeed so we will work with you, identify individual learning needs and barriers and help put strategies in places so that you can overcome these and help you get back on track.
There's help with your study available!
Success and Wellbeing Services (SWS) are funded by the South Australian Government. If students are assessed as needing support with their study, SWS will be delivered through individualised case management with approved providers of which Enhance Training is one.
Enhance Training is proud to be an approved provider of SWS which allows an individualised assistance support program to be developed while addressing barriers to learning. The program supports you to stay in training and complete your qualification while assisting with your transition and adaptation to the workplace.
The SWS Coach works alongside you to navigate and plan your way through your studies, work placements and for a 12-week period after study has been completed.
The coach works with individuals to determine what support is required, gathers information about student's strengths, challenges, interests, concerns and circumstances and goals for further study or employment, create a specific support plan and implement actions that will reduce barriers to access, participate and succeed.
Your trainer/Success and Wellbeing Services Coach
Your trainer will be your biggest support throughout your studies. We will provide you with their direct contact details so that they can assist with study plans, flexible delivery and even after hours support. If you find yourself needing additional learning support and are studying one of our funded programs, you will also be offered access to our Success and Wellbeing Services
SWS can also be contacted here.
We will support you with finding access to great industry resources such as websites, mailing lists and subscriptions to ensure you’re informed with the most up to date information.
All internal students will have WIFI access during classes at our Skills Lab in Welland.
We help you find placements
Throughout your course we will provide you with the tools and guidance to securing your placement. We have great industry partners with strong business relationships and together, we will be here to assist you in this process.
Are you interested in studying?
Enquire today and an Enhance Training team member will contact you.